29일 마지막 콘서트를 앞두고.
팬 여러분들이 재중에게 물어보고 싶은 질문을 답글에 달아 주시면 직접 재중에게 듣는 시간을 가지려고 합니다.
10가지 질문을 할 예정이구요.
근황, 앨범, 드라마 스파이 그 무엇이든 좋습니다.
여러분의 질문에 답하는 영상은 입대 후 오피셜 유튜브를 통해 공개 될 예정입니다.
(질문은 28일 밤 11시까지 받겠습니다^^)
As the last concert of 김재중 is ahead on the 29th, we would like to collect some questions you are curious about him as fans. Add the questions on comments and you will soon have a chance to listen the answers from himself. Approximately 10 questions will be selected. Anything is fine including things about his album, drama SPY and his recent state. The video of him answering the questions will be released through the official Youtube channel after he leaves for the military service. (Please note that all questions will be accepted only until the 28th, 11pm)
近況、アルバム、ドラマ スパイ、何でも大丈夫です。
29號金在中最後的演唱會就要拉開帷幕了,向粉絲收集想問的問題給在中,①在FB評論裡寫下問題②有關他的新專輯、電視劇SPY、他的近況③會在裡面選出10個問題④在中回答問題的視頻將會在他入伍之後通過官方YouTube頻道發布。 (請注意,問題收集截至28日晚11點)